The Display is next Tuesday March the 31st. I have finally finished a gift for the university librarian for when she comes and opens the Display for us. I made her a concertina style book with pockets. I filled posckets with interesing goodies. I hope she will like it.

Inside the pockets from left to right: bone folder, sewing kit, matches, measuring gauge and menify glass, hand painted button, secret lettle book, scissors and pencil.

I just added the new background on my blog for fun. Hope you like it?
It is lovely. Good luck for 31 March :)
Reply to Yasmin, thanks Yas, I hope it will go well. Everything is ready for Tuesday - Nats
You did it Natima!!
I love this folding pockets...
Well done...
Julia ♥
It's all beautiful. Have a wonderful opening and a great exhibition.
Fantastic it!!! And a very cool background...All the very best for tomorrow, I know how hard you have worked for this...Dzintra
Hi Natima...tomorrow is your big here is a (heart) for you (oh no it didn't work) of luch anyway, Dzintra
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